August 12, 2022

Wrapper Class in Java

Wrapper class in Java is a class whose object wraps a primitive type. When you need an object instead of a primitive type you can use Wrapper class to wrap the primitive type value in an object and use that object.

Wrapper classes in Java for primitive types

For all eight primitive data types there is a corresponding Wrapper class in Java.

Primitive Type Wrapper class
boolean Boolean
char Character
byte Byte
short Short
int Integer
long Long
float Float
double Double

Out of these 8 wrapper classes 6 are numeric. All of the numeric wrapper classes are subclasses of the abstract class Number.

Wrapper Classes in Java

When is Java Wrapper class needed

Some of the scenarios where you may need a Wrapper class are listed below.

  1. If you have any method that expects an object as argument.
  2. If you want to store primitive types in any data structure which can save only objects for example if you have an array of Objects (Object[] arr) or any of the Java Collections class that can store only objects. For example
    List<int> numberList = new ArrayList<>(); // NOT PERMITTED
    List<Integer> numberList = new ArrayList<>(); // OK
  3. Wrapper classes also have many other utility methods and fields that you can use if you wrap primitive type into a Wrapper class. For example you can use constant fields MIN_VALUE and MAX_VALUE of the Wrapper class to get the upper and lower bounds of the data type. You can also use methods for converting values to and from other primitive types, for converting to and from strings, and for converting between number systems.

Conversion using methods of the Wrapper classes

Though Autoboxing and unboxing (Java 5 onward) can automatically convert primitive into object and object into primitive but you may still use methods of the wrapper classes if you want to convert values to and from other primitive types.

Java Wrapper class examples

1- Converting int to String

int i = 22;
// Converting to String
String str = Integer.toString(i);
2- Converting double to int in Java
Double d = 147.89d;
int val = d.intValue();
System.out.println("Converted int value- " + val);
3- Converting float to double in Java
Float f = 147.89f;
double val = f.doubleValue();
System.out.println("Converted double value- " + val);
4- Wrapping char into a Character Wrapper class. Note that such constructors for all the Wrapper classes are deprecated after Java 8.
Character c = new Character('a');

Autoboxing and unboxing

Automatic conversion of primitive type to its corresponding Wrapper class is known as Autoboxing. You don’t need to do that conversion automatically.

For example, directly assigning int value to an Integer object. Conversion from primitive type to object happens automatically.

Integer i = 10; // primitive int value 10 converted to Integer

Adding int value to an ArrayList that stores Integer object. Autoboxing automatically wraps int value to an Integer object and then it is stored into the List.

List<Integer> numList = new ArrayList<Integer>();

Same way Wrapper class object can be converted to corresponding primitive type automatically through Unboxing.

For example, when an Integer stored in a List is retrieved you can assign it to an Integer or to an int too. In that case Conversion from Integer (Wrapper class) to int is done automatically.

List<Integer> numList = new ArrayList<Integer>();

Integer num = numList.get(0);
System.out.println("num- " + num);
// value as int - unboxing
int i = numList.get(0);
System.out.println("num- " + i);

That's all for the topic Wrapper Class in Java. If something is missing or you have something to share about the topic please write a comment.

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